Saturday 28 August 2010

Auburn University -USA

The main campus of Auburn University is situated in Auburn in Alabama. It was opened in 1859 as East Alabama Male College. In 1872, it was reorganized as the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Alabama. Auburn University was made a co-ed in 1892. It was renamed Alabama Polytechnic Institute in 1899. The University has technical, engineering and architectural schools. Liberal Arts College and a Graduate school are also a part of the college. The colleges and schools under Auburn University are College of Agriculture, College of Architecture, Design and Construction, College of Business, College of Education, Samuel Ginn College of Engineering, School of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences, Graduate

School, Honors College, College of Human Sciences, College of Liberal Arts, School of Nursing, Harrison School of Pharmacy, College of Sciences and Mathematics and College of Veterinary Medicine.

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