Monday, 14 March 2011

Custom Search World Top 200 Universities 2010

Quacquarelli Symonds has just published the rankings of world top 200 universities for 2010, with Cambridge ranked 1st in the world, moving up from 2nd place last year.

The following universities successfully made it to the world top 200 in the 2010 rankings:

* Radboud University Nijmegen (Netherlands) made a big jump from 220th to 149th globally.
* Stockholm University (Sweden) moved up from 215th to 168th in 2010.
* Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain) up from 211th to 173rd internationally.
* University College Cork (Ireland) up from 207th to 184th in the world.
* Université Paris Sorbonne, Paris 4 (France) up from 228th to 186th in 2010.
* University of Iowa (US) moved up from 225th to 188th globally.
* Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy) moved up 25 places to 190th globally.
* Korea University moved up from 211th to 191st.
* University of Florida (US) moved up from 201st to 193rd.
* Universität Frankfurt am Main (Germany) made a big jump from 233rd to 195th this year.
* National Tsing Hua University (Taiwan) up from 223rd to 196th.
* Queen's University of Belfast moved up four places to 197th.
* Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (Germany) jumped up 37 places to top 200 globally.

The 10 Best Universities (out of World's top 200) are:
2010 Rank, (2009 Rank), Institution
1 (2) Cambridge
2 (1) Harvard
3 (3) Yale
4 (4) UCL
5 (9) Massachusetts Institute of Technology
6 (5=) Oxford
7 (5=) Imperial College London
8 (7) University of Chicago
9 (10) California Institute of Technology
10 (8) Princeton University
Source: Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd 2010

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