Friday, 10 September 2010

Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi - canada

Established in 1969, the university in Chicoutimi has served almost 15,000 mostly French speaking populations. The university is well known for its 80 degree and diploma programs to 7,000 students. The university is known for its unique style of teaching which includes the credit system and the course is divided into studies of first cycle and studies of higher cycle. The university takes pride to contribute something to the community through their school of continuing education and the School of French Language.

Financial assistance is provided to the students in the form of government loans and bursaries and for the benefit of the students they are awarded to the students in the beginning of their first cycles. The Collge is known for its multidisciplinary approach which covers the three university cycles.

Workshops and orientation programs, counseling centres, and different recreational activities give the students the scope to interact with other students.

Some of the faculties of the university are as follows:

  • Modulate Arts—Baccalaureate in Teaching of Arts
    • Interdisciplinary Baccalaureate in Arts
    • Minor in Cinema and Video
  • Data Processing and Maths
  • Sciences Applied
  • Sciences of Education and Psychology
  • Baccalaureate in Biology
  • Baccalaureate in sciences and nurses
  • Baccalaureate in Social Work
  • Baccalaureate in Geography and Installation etc


Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi
555 University Boulevard
Chicoutimi, Quebec G7H 2B1
Phone: 418-545-5011

Universite du Quebec en Abitibi Temiscamingue-canada

Universite du Quebec en Abitibi-Temiscamingue is a branch of the Universite du Quebec, with campuses in Val-d'Or and Rouyn-Noranda The Universite du Quebec en Abitibi-Temiscamingue was founded in 1970. The University of Quebec in Abitibi-Temiscamingue is a comprehensive higher education institution [awards bachelor's and may also award associate degrees, offers graduate programs primarily at the master's, specialist's, or professional level, but not more than two doctoral programs].

Although of modest size, the UQAT is illustrated by its research in the mining areas and forest in particular. It completes important work inter alia in the following fields:

  • The psychology of the young child
  • Cognitive efficiency
  • The development of Amerindian community
  • The pain and the agro alimentary one
Financial assistance

First cycle - distributes annually nearly 100 grants, adding up nearly 100.000 $.


Except campus - the services with the students offer a help to the students in search for housing. Several residences are available to less than ten minutes of walk of the campus.

Mailing Address:

The Universite du Quebec en Abitibi-Temiscamingue
445, boul of the University
Rouyn-Noranda (Quebec) J9X 5E4
Telephone: (819) 762-0971
Telecopy: (819) 797-4727


The Tele-universite (TeLUQ) was founded in 1979 as Canada's only French-language Open University. Tele-universite is an associate of the Universite du Quebec à Montreal. Sometimes abbreviated to Teluq, it was the first French language distance education university in the world.

Teluq has a number of courses offering bachelor degree in

  • Administration
  • Communication
  • Accounts Department
  • Education
  • Multi-field studies
  • Finance
  • Remote formation
  • Data processing
  • Letters and languages
  • Psychology
  • Health
  • Sciences
  • Sciences of data processing
  • Social sciences
  • Social sciences
  • Information technologies
  • Tourism
Tele-universite has 3 Canada Research Chairs and one Bell Research Chair

Mailing Address:

UQAM, 100 Sherbrooke oust Montreal,
Canada H2X 3P2

Institut national de la recherchE scientifique-canada

The Institut national de la recherchE scientifique offers Research and Post Doctoral Training courses. The Institut national de la recherchE scientifique (French, National Institute of Scientific Research) is the research-oriented branch of UniversitE du QuEbec.

INRS conducts research in four broad sectors:

  • Water, earth and the environment
  • Energy, materials and telecommunications
  • Human, animal and environmental health
  • Urbanization, culture and society
The INRS encourages the students to prevail the programs of grants of the organization's subsidies either private or public. The students of The Institut national de la recherchE scientifique can accommodate themselves in the residences of University of Quebec.

Mailing Address:

490, rue de la Couronne,
QUEBEC, Quebec,
G1K 9A9
Telephone: (418) 654-2524
Fax: (418) 654-2600
Website URL:

Institut Armand-Frappier-canada

In 1938 the Institut de microbiologie et d'hygiene de Montreal was established as an autonomous, nonprofit organization. In 1972 it was integrated into the Universite du Quebec and, in 1975, became the Institut Armand-Frappier (IAF)

Institut Armand-Frappier (IAF) aims at

  • Research in microbiology and related sciences, with applications for preventive MEDICINE and industry and other non-medical aspects;
  • Graduate and technical teaching;
  • Services to public-health authorities, hospitals, universities, industry and the community (including viral and immunological diagnosis, epidemiological investigations, vaccinations and consultation);
  • The manufacture of BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS (vaccines, serums, etc), diagnostic products and biological reagents.

Mailing Address:

Institut Armand - Frappier
531 Boulevard Des Prairies
La Plaine, Quebec H7V1B7
Telephone: (450) 687-5010
Fax: (450) 686-5501
Website URL:

Ecole de technologie supErieure

Ecole de technologie supErieure (Higher School of Technology) created in 1974, is an engineering university member of UniversitE du QuEbec network
Undergraduates programs offered at l'ETS are the following:

  • Software engineering
  • Information technology engineering
  • Electrical engineering
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Automated manufacturing engineering
  • Construction engineering.

It also offers multiple master's degree programs and doctorate in engineering.

Credentials at Ecole de technologie supErieure:
  • Doctorates
  • Masters
  • Bachelors
  • University Diplomas and Certificates
Mailing Address:

1100, rue Notre Dame Ouest
MontrEal QC H3C 1K3
Phone :( 514) 396-8800
Fax: (514) 289-8950
Website URL:

Ecole nationale d'administration publique-canada

The Ecole nationale d'administration publique (ENAP), or the National School of Public Administration, located in Quebec City, Quebec, was founded on June 26,1969 by the Quebec government, as a way of obtaining a professional public administration. ENAP has five campuses throughout Quebec, with two major campuses in Quebec City and Montreal, and three other campuses in Gatineau, Saguenay, and Trois-Rivières.

Academic Programs at ENAP

  • Control in public administration for managers
  • Diplomas of higher studies specialized for managers
  • Short programs for managers
  • Control in public administration for analysts
  • Control in public administration for analysts
  • Control in analysis of urban management (MAGU)
  • Public management for the federal civils servant
  • Doctorate in public administration
  • Program short for analysts
Units of housing are available for the students of the ENAP in a residence located behind the School.

Mailing Address
555, boul. Charest E.
QUEBEC, Quebec
G1K 9E5
Telephone: (418) 641-3000
Ext: 6556
Toll Free Phone: 180080873627
Fax: (418) 641-3060
Website URL:

Universite du Quebec-canada

The Universite du Quebec build in 1968 by the Government of Quebec, is a public network of nine French-speaking university establishments The Universite du Quebec offers more than 550 study programs at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels; more than 378,000 diplomas granted since its founding

The choice of subjects at The Universite du Quebec

  • Sciences of health
  • Pure sciences
  • Sciences applied
  • Social sciences
  • Letters
  • Right
  • Sciences of education
  • Sciences of the administration
  • Arts
  • Plurisectoriel
Residence facility at the Universite du Quebec, Student residences on campus, as well as apartments located nearby at moderate prices

Mailing Address:

475, rue du Parvis,
Quebec (Quebec) G1K 9H7,
Phone: 418 657-3551
Fax: 418 657-2132
Web Site:

University of Montreal-canada

The University of Montreal founded in 1878, held's high with its two affiliated schools, the Polytechnic School and HEC Montreal, the first complex university in Quebec and the second in Canada. The University of Montreal (UdM) offers more than 250 undergraduate programs and more than 250 graduate programs, including 71 doctoral programs.

The Grid of Faculties at University of Montreal (UdM)

  • Faculty of installation
  • Faculty of arts and sciences
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of further education
  • Faculty of the higher studies
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Faculty of music
  • Faculty of Science of education
  • Faculty of Science nurses
  • Faculty of theology and sciences of the religions
  • Department of kinesiology
  • School of optometry
University of Montreal provides financial assistance to both native and international students. The Residences of the University of Montreal makes it possible to the students to be placed on the campus. Off- campus housing is also available at University of Montreal.

Mailing Address:

C.P.6128, branch Downtown area
Montreal, QC, H3C 3J7
Tel :( 514) 343-6111

McGill University-canada

McGill University (formerly named as University of McGill College) was founded in 1821.McGill University is one of Canada's best-known institutions of higher learning and one of the leading research-intensive universities McGill has grown from a small college to a bustling university with two campuses, 11 faculties, some 300 programs of study, and more than 32,000 students.

The choice of subjects at McGill College

  • Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
  • Arts
  • Dentistry
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Law
  • Management
  • Medicine
  • Music
  • Religious Studies
  • Science
Other Academic Units
  • Centre for Continuing Education
  • Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Office (GPSO)
McGill's Scholarships and awards
  • Entrance scholarships
  • Graduate funding: Fellowships and Awards
  • McGill awards for continuing students
  • External Awards
McGill's residences Most of the residents are first-year undergraduate students. There is also a limited amount of Graduate Housing available.

Mailing Address

McGill University
845 Sherbrooke St. W.
Montreal, Quebec
Canada, H3A 2T5
Tel: 514-398-4455

Hautes Etudes Commerciales Montreal-canada

HEC Montreal a school of commerce founded in 1907 by the Chamber of Commerce of Montreal.HEC Montreal (ecole des Hautes etudes Commerciales), recognized as the first Management School of Canada, is the affiliated business school of the Universite de Montreal and holds three accreditations in management education:

  • AACSB International (United States)
  • EQUIS (Europe)
  • AMBA (United Kingdom)
The formal, full name of the school is ecole des Hautes etudes Commerciales, but since 2002 the school has officially be known as HEC Montreal HEC Montreal offers trilingual MBA and BBA (French, English, Spanish) programs
Academic departments of HEC Montreal
  • Department of Accounting Studies
    • Department of Finance
  • Department of Human Resources Management
  • Department of Information Technologies
    • Department of International Business
  • Department of Management
    • Department of Management Sciences
  • Department of Marketing
  • Department of Logistics and Operations Management
    • Institute of Applied Economics (IEA)
Mailing Address:

HEC Montreal
3000, way of the Coast-Holy-Catherine
Montreal (Quebec) Canada H3T 2A7
Telephone: 514.340-6000
Telecopy: 514.340-6411

Ecole Polytechnique De Montreal-canada

Ecole Polytechnique De Montreal founded in 1873 is one of Canada's leading engineering schools and is the largest in Québec in terms of its student population and the scope of its research budgets. The school is on the campus of the University of Montreal located on the northern face of Mount Royal. Polytechnique offers a wide array of programs (more than 100) at every level: certificates, bachelor's degrees and post-graduate studies. With 58 research units, Polytechnique's research activities are among the most active in Canada and account for nearly one-quarter of all university research in engineering in Québec.

Departments and Institutes

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Mathematics and Industrial Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Engineering Physics
  • Institute of Biomedical Engineering
  • Institute of Nuclear Engineering

Mailing address:

C.P. 6079, Succ. Centre-ville
Montréal, Québec
Canada H3C 3A7
Telephone: (514) 340-4711

Concordia University Quebec-canada

Concordia University established in 1974 with the merger of Loyola College and Sir George Williams University. Concordia University is one of the largest urban universities in Canada. It has two campuses — one in Downtown Montreal (Sir George Williams), the other in a residential setting in the city's west ends (Loyola).

Concordia offers more than 250 graduate and undergraduate programs in four Faculties

  • Arts and Science
  • School of Business
  • Engineering and Computer Science
  • Fine Arts
  • Concordia also accomplishes PhD and Certificate Programs
RESIDENCE facility is available only at Loyola Campus.
  • Hingston Hall is a dormitory style, co ed residence which houses 147 first year full time undergraduate students. Single and double rooms are available.
  • A computerized housing list is available at CSU,
Student financial assistance is available in various forms, such as
  • Government student loans and/or bursaries
  • University scholarships and bursary programs
  • On?campus work opportunities through the University Work Study Program
  • Corporate scholarship programs

Mailing Address:

Sir George Williams Campus
1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd W.
Montreal, Quebec
H3G 1M8

Loyola Campus
7141 Sherbrooke St. W.
Montreal, Quebec
H4B 1R6

Bishop's University-canada

Bishop's University is a liberal arts university. The school was originally founded in 1843 under the Church of England (Anglican), and remained under their direction until 1947 when the university became a non-denominational institution

Education in Canada also offers graduate courses and M.A. and M.Ed. degrees in education and M.Sc in Computer Science and Physics.

The choices of subjects in graduate courses are

  • Business
  • Humanities
  • Natural Sciences And Mathematics
  • Social Sciences
  • Education
Bishop's University endeavors Financial Aid to the needy students
  • Government Loans
  • BU Funding
    • Scholarships
    • Awards
    • Bursaries
    • Prizes
  • Bank Loans
Bishop's University nurtures its students in homely environment, as it has seven residential halls for the accommodation of the students

Mailing Address

Bishop's University
Liaison Office - McGreer 108
Lennoxville, Quebec
Canada, J1M 1Z7
Tel: 819-822-9600, ext. 2681
Tel: 1-800-567-2792, ext. 2681
Fax: 819-822-9661

University of Prince Edward Island -canada

Formerly known as the Prince of Wales College and St. Dunstan's University, this university finally offers undergraduate, graduate and professional programs and was established in 1804. It is a public university which offers degrees in liberated arts and science subjects.

The university offers Msc and PhD degrees with the Atlantic Veterinary College. Different disciplines related to animal and human health biology and chemistry are offered to the students. Some of the programs offered are:

  • M.A. in ulEducation
  • M.A. in Island Studies
  • M.A. in Applied Health Services Research
The faculties are as follows:
  • Faculty of Arts
  • Atlantic Veterinary College
  • School of Business
  • School of Nursing
  • Faculty of Education
  • Faculty of Science
The on campus housing has facilities to accommodate 330 single students within the three residences and the residences are specially designed like apartments. The off campus housing is just a walking distance away from the main campus.
  • The Robertson Library with the huge collection of books e-journals, databases help the students in their research and academic programs.
  • The university offers scholarships to the students and the scholarships are awarded according to merit and financial needs.
Some of the well-known scholarships are as follows:
  • Entrance Scholarship
  • Continuing Awrds
  • Continuing Bursaries
  • International Bursaries
  • Athletic Scholarships
  • Post-graduate awards etc
The university gives much emphasis on athletic programs and they provide scholarships to students who have excelled in this field.

University of Prince Edward Island
550 University Avenue
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island C1A 4P3
Telephone: (902) 566-0439

Maritime Christian College -canada

This Bible College located in Charlottetown was established in 1960 and is associated with the Independent Christian Churches.

Some of the important academic programs that are offered in the college are:

  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Bachelor of Arts (General Studies)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Child and Youth
  • Bachelor of Arts in Bible and Ministry
  • Ministerial Diploma
  • Associate of Arts—diploma
  • Biblical Studies Certificate

The college has a library, chapel and a computer room to provide the students with the modern day amenities for their academic excellence.
The students are offered different scholarships during their stay in the college. Some of the scholarships, bursaries, wards are:
  • $500 Scholarships to all honor students
  • Bursaries from the Brace Block Fund
  • Bursaries by Home Congregations
  • Funds of Sherwood Church of Christ
  • Funds by Westport Church of Christ
  • Government Student Aid programs
  • Canada Student Loans
  • Provincial Student Loans etc

Maritime Christian College
503 University Avenue,
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island,
Canada C1A 7Z4
Telephone: (9020 628-8887

Tyndale University College-canada

Tyndale University College was founded as the Toronto Bible Training School in 1894 Over the years, the names have changed several times.In 2003; Tyndale College was designated as "privately funded institution with degree-granting authority”. In 1976 the institution added to its undergraduate program offerings a Graduate School of Theology – now known as Tyndale Seminary.

Academic Programs accomplished at Tyndale University College

  • Bachelor of Arts Programs
  • Bachelor of Religious Education Programs
  • Certificate in Christian Studies
Academic Programs implemented at Tyndale Seminary
  • Degree Programs
    • Master of Divinity (MDiv)
    • In-Ministry Master of Divinity (MDiv)
    • Master of Theological Studies (MTS)
    • Master of Theological Studies-Modular (MTS)
    • Master of Theology
  • Graduate Diploma Programs
  • Seminary online Program
  • Extension Education Program
Tyndale University College and Seminary caters Financial Aid services to its students
  • Student Loans/Grants
  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships
  • Forgivable Loan Program

Tyndale University College
25 Ballyconnor Court
Toronto, ON, Canada
M2M 4B3
Phone: 1-416-218-6757
Toll Free: 1-877-TYNDALE (1-877-896-3253)
Fax: 1-416-226-6746

Redeemer University College-canada

Redeemer University College established in 1982 (former name: Redeemer College) Redeemer University College offers a number of degree and certificate programs at the university level.

The courses in these academic programs are based on Reformed Christian perspectives and focused on the various disciplines

  • Arts
  • Humanities
  • Social sciences
  • Natural sciences

Housing Services at Redeemer University College Redeemer University College is primarily a residential campus. Redeemer's townhouse style dorms provide plenty of room. Students live eight people to a dorm. Redeemer University College also has 1 & 2 bedroom apartments on campus to provide more privacy for married and senior students.

Scholarships and Awards

  • Redeemer University College Scholarships
  • Redeemer Foundation Scholarships
  • Named Awards for Incoming Students and returning students
  • International Student Bursaries
  • Redeemer Student Fund Loan
Research Centers:
  • Research and Faculty Development Centre
  • The Dooyeweerd Centre for Christian Philosophy
  • The Pascal Centre for Advanced Studies in Faith and Science
  • The Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar

Mailing Address:

Redeemer University College
777 Garner Road East
Ancaster, Ontario
Canada, L9K 1J4
Tel: 905-648-2131
Tel: 1.877.779.0913
Fax: 905-648-9545

RCC College of Technology-canada

The RCC College of Technology (also known as RCC Institute of Technology or just RCC) is a private technical college .It was founded as the Radio College of Canada (hence RCC) in 1928 with a mission to prepare students for great careers in technology

RCC offers degree, diploma and post-graduate diploma programs with specialization in

  • Electronics engineering
  • Computer networks
  • Engineering technology
  • Computer information systems
  • Computer and networks technology
RCC maintains a registry of living accommodations and helps in every possible way to assist new students when they arrive at the Institute


RCC Institute of Technology
2000 Steeles Ave. W.
Concord, Ontario, Canada
L4K 4N1
Toll-Free: 1-800-268-9098
Toronto Area: 905-669-0544
Fax: 905-669-0551

Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences-canada

The Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences build in 1958 has fulfilled a unique role in Canada's health care system as the foremost educator of health care technologists.

The Michener Institute has more than 20 undergraduate and graduate programs from which to choose.

  • Certificate
  • Diploma Programs
  • Advanced Diploma Programs
  • Degree
The Michener Institute offers 15 post-diploma and certificate programs to health care professionals

Courses available at The Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences
  • Imaging and Oncology
  • Laboratory Sciences
  • Primary and Critical Care
  • Patient Education
Financial Aids:

Students may apply to the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) and to the Michener Relationship Program (or the Michener Student Assistance Program, MSAP) to receive financial assistance. In recognition of student achievement, The Michener Institute offers a variety of scholarships each year.

Housing Service:

The Five-story residence, Schatz Hall is a wing of Michener's main building and is fully integrated with the rest of Michener.

The Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences
222 St. Patrick Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5T 1V4, Canada
Tel: 416-596-3101 or 1-800-387-9066
Fax: (416) 596-3168

Master's College and Seminary-canada

Master's college and seminary (MCS) build in 1939 is a private religious college

Master's College and Seminary (MCS) is comprised of four streams

  • Discipleship (Master's Commission of Eastern Canada)
  • Bible College
  • Intercultural Bible College
  • Seminary

Programs & Courses at MCS
  • Christian Ministry Certificate
    • Church Leadership
    • Care and Counsel
    • Christian Studies
  • Ministerial Diploma
  • Bachelor of Religious Education
    • Pastoral Ministry Program
  • Bachelor of Theology
    • Children and Family
    • Cross Cultural
    • Pastoral
    • Youth
  • Bachelor of Theology Completion
Housing facilities:

MCS has a non-residential campus where housing for students is obtained through several avenues MCS students also have access to dormitory rooms at Tyndale College campus


3080 Yonge St. Box70, Suite 3040
Toronto, ON. M4N 3N1
Ph: 416-482-2224
Toll free: 1-800-295-6368
Fax: 416-482-7004

Institute for Christian Studies-canada

The Institute for Christian Studies provides Christian graduate education The Institute for Christian Studies (ICS), Toronto was founded in 1967. ICS Toronto is an independent graduate school of philosophy

Program Design of ICS

  • Aesthetics, Hermeneutics, and Philosophy of Discourse
  • Anthropology and Ethics
  • History of Philosophy
  • Knowledge, Truth, and Learning
  • Social and Political Philosophy
  • Theology and Biblical Studies

The Institute for Christian Studies (ICS) offers two Masters' degree
  • Master of Arts (M.A) in Philosophy
  • Master of Worldview Studies (MWS)
Doctoral Degree
  • PhD in interdisciplinary Philosophy

Housing services at ICS

Although ICS does not have residence facilities ICS seeks to gather information about potential housing situations to aid Junior Members in their searches for housing

Financial Awards and Scholarships at ICS ICS's financial awards program is used to supplement a Junior Member's other financial resources

ICS scholarships include:
  • The Bernard Zylstra Scholarship
  • The Peter J. Steen Memorial Scholarship
  • The Laura Dale Memorial Scholarship
  • The Wilma Cumming Memorial Scholarship


229 College Street, 2nd Floor
Toronto, ON, M5T 1R4 Canada
Telephone: 416-979-2331
Toll Free: 1-888-326-5347 (North America)

Heritage College and Seminary-canada

Heritage Baptist College and Heritage Theological Seminary came into existence in March 1993. Heritage is a post-secondary institution with focus, vision and an enduring commitment to Christian higher education The programs range from one-year certificates to four-year professional degrees, which include the Global Adventures Certificate, Christian School Education, Human Services, Family Ministry (Child or Youth emphasis available), Music and Sound & Technology, among others.

Academic Programs at Baptist College

  • Certificate programs
  • Degree programs
    • Bachelor of Religious Studies
    • Bachelor of Religious Education
    • Bachelor of Religious Education - Professional
    • Bachelor of Christian School Education
    • Bachelor of Theology
    • Bachelor of Church Music
  • Distance learning

Academic Programs at Baptist seminary
  • Certificate of Theological Studies
  • Diploma in Pastoral Studies & Leadership
  • Master of Theological Studies
  • General Research Master of Divinity
  • General Pastoral Counseling Chaplaincy Research Mission Doctor of Ministry
  • Distance Learning
Both Off-campus and In-campus housing available.

175 Holiday Inn Drive,
Cambridge ON, Canada
N3C 3T2
Phone: (519) 651-2869
Fax: (519) 651-2870
Toll free: 1-800-465-1961

Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College CMCC

Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College (CMCC) opened on September 18, 1945. CMCC is regarded as a world leader in chiropractic education and research CMCC offers a four year program of rigorous academic and clinical education, including a one-year internship in one of the institution's clinics CMCC offers three graduate studies programs in Clinical Sciences, Sports Sciences and Radiology.

Education Programs at CMCC

  • Under graduate education
    • Division of Foundational and Professional Education
    • Departments of Foundational Education
    • Anatomy
    • Pathology and Microbiology
    • Physiology and Biochemistry
    • Departments of Professional Education
    • Applied Chiropractic Studies
    • Chiropractic Principles and Practice
    • Clinical Diagnosis
    • Radiology
    • Divison of Clinical Education
    • Divison of Research
  • Graduate education
  • Research
Financial aid services
  • Financial assistance
  • Awards, scholarships and bursaries
  • Graduation awards
  • Additional awards not exclusive to CMCC students
While CMCC has no facilities for student housing, the office of Student Services maintains a listing of rental accommodations to aid students


Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College
6100 Leslie Street,
Toronto, Ontario
M2H 3J1
Telephone: (416) 482-2340
Fax: (416) 482-9745

Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine

The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, established in 1978, offers Canada's only CNME accredited four-year, full-time professional program in naturopathic medicine, formerly recognized as the Ontario College of Naturopathic Medicine. Candidates must complete a minimum of 3 years of study at an accredited university including six pre-requisite courses. Upon completion of the program, graduates receive a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (ND) diploma, and must pass international licensing examinations before registration is granted to practice as a naturopathic doctor.

Academic Programs at CNME

  • ND Diploma Program
  • Preparatory Program
  • School of Continuing Education
  • Graduate Studies
The subjects those are comprehended in the study of Naturopathic Medicine
  • Asian Medicine/Acupuncture
  • Botanical Medicine
  • Clinical Nutrition
  • Homeopathic Medicine
  • Physical Medicine
  • Lifestyle Counseling
Financial aid and housing (all 200 rooms are for single occupancy only) services available at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine

The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine
1255 Sheppard Avenue East
Toronto, Ontario
M2K 1E2
Phone: 416-498-1255
Toll-free: 1-866-241-2266
Fax: 416-498-1576

Sheridan College Oakville-canada

Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning is a diploma and degree granting Canadian polytechnic institute with campuses in Oakville, Ontario and Brampton, Ontario, both western suburbs of Toronto. It was founded in 1967, and is renowned for its animation and illustration courses, and music theatre performance program. Sheridan has the second largest school of Art and Design in North America.

The main areas of interest are:

  • Business
  • Community Services
  • Digital Media & Communication
  • Education
  • Engineering & Manufacturing
  • Health Science
  • Industrial Technology
  • Information & Communication Technology
  • Liberal Studies & Access
  • Performing Arts
  • Public Safety
  • Visual Arts & Design
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Bachelor Degrees
Sheridan has a variety of financial assistance programs, which are awarded based on demonstrated financial need. Sheridan's Libraries have the in-depth resources and expert staff to help the students succeed through the Davis and Trafalgar campus locations.

The college provides residence facilities for the students.

Contact Address:
Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
PO Box 2500, Station Main,
Oakville, Ontario,
Canada L6L 7T7
Phone: 905-845-9430

Seneca College Toronto-canada

Seneca College opened its doors on September 6, 1967. It is Canada's largest post-secondary institution with 100,000 students on eight major campuses throughout Toronto, offering diplomas, four-year Bachelor degrees and a growing number of one-year post-graduate career specializations in a variety of exciting disciplines.
The faculties are:

  • Faculty of Applied Arts & Health Sciences
  • Faculty of Applied Sciences & Engineering Technology
  • Faculty of Business Arts &Commerce
  • Faculty of Management & Administrative Studies
  • Faculty of Information Arts & Technology
  • Faculty of Continuing Education & Training
The Seneca Libraries provide students, faculty and staff with resources and services both online and on-site to enhance academic pursuits.
There are 13 scholarships and awards given to the students in appreciation for their work.
Seneca College offers a Housing Registry to assist students in locating affordable housing. There are also on campus residences on King and Newnham campuses, just steps away from classes. These residences are operated by Campus Living Centres Inc.

Contact Address:
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology
1750 Finch Avenue East,
Toronto, ON M2J 2X5
Phone: 416-497-5050
Fax: 416-493-3958

St. Lawrence College Ontario-canada

St. Lawrence College established in 1957 is a community in Kingston, Ontario. It has satellite campuses in Brockville and Cornwall. SLC has approximately 5,000 full-time students and 20,000 part-time in over 70 academic programs. St. Lawrence College has received accreditation to offer Baccalaureate Degree programs at its Kingston campus in the following areas: Behavioural Psychology, Microelectronics and Nursing.

Besides these the main faculties are:

  • Applied Arts
  • Human Studies
  • Business
  • Computer & Engineering
  • Health Sciences
  • Community Services
  • Hospitality
  • Justice Studies
  • Media Studies
  • Professional Services
The St. Lawrence College Foundation has an ongoing commitment to enhancing the program of student bursaries, awards and scholarships which gives encouragement to the students to do better in life. SLC's 600 fully furnished units are double and single occupancy, designed to promote privacy while encouraging the shared residence experience.
The library gives the students the opportunity to carry on their research work.

Contact Address:
100 Portsmouth Avenue,
Kingston, Ontario,
Canada, K7L 5A6
Phone: 613-544-5400
FAX: 613-545-3923

St. Clair College Ontario-canada

St. Clair College established in 1967 has its main campus in Windsor, Ontario, with subsidiary campuses in Chatham and Wallaceburg. It caters to the needs of about 20,500 students. St. Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology offers a 4-year bachelor degree in Industrial Management along with 1-year certificates and 2- to 3-year diplomas in:

  • Applied Arts and Science,
  • Building,
  • Design, and Construction Technology,
  • Community Studies,
  • Creative Arts,
  • Engineering and Manufacturing Technology,
  • Health Sciences, and
  • Skilled Trades.
The College also provides apprenticeship and co-operative education opportunities.
The Awards, Scholarships and Bursaries that may be presented by St. Clair College are listed under the following titled areas:
  • St. Clair Work Study Program
  • Tuition Bursaries
  • St. Clair General Bursaries/Scholarships
  • Entrance Awards/Scholarships
  • Athletic Scholarships
  • Women in Technology Commemorative Scholarship
There are also Student Emergency Loan Fund and external scholarships given for the benefit of the students.

Contact Address:
2000 Talbot Road West
Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6S4, Canada
Tel: 519-966-1656
Fax: (519) 972-3811

Niagara College Ontario -Canada

Niagara College established in 1967is a public college having campuses in Welland, Niagara in the Lake and Niagara falls.
It is a college of Applied arts and Technology where more than 6,000 students enroll in post-secondary and post-graduate programs including more than 270 international students from more than 50 countries.
"Continuing Education opportunities" attract 18,000 registrants to more than 400 courses each term. The programs offered are:

  • International Education and English Language Training
  • Administrative Studies
  • Business and Entrepreneurship
  • Community Safety and Fitness
  • Community Studies
  • Computer Studies
  • Construction / Mechanical Engineering Studies
  • Electrical / Electronics Engineering and Photonics
  • Environmental Studies
  • General Studies
  • Health Studies
  • Horticulture and Agribusiness
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Media and Design
  • Niagara Culinary Institute
  • Skills Training and Apprenticeship
The college provides homestay, residence or off-campus housing looked after by the International Housing Coordinator.
Learning Resource Center Services supplies the online catalogue, research databases and audio-visual materials as well for the students' benefit.

Contact Address:
Niagara College Welland Campus
300 Woodlawn Road, Welland,
Ontario L3C 7L3
Telephone: 905-735-2211 (Welland)
Niagara College NOTL Campus
135 Taylor Road, Niagara-on-the-Lake,
Ontario L0S 1J0
Telephone: 905-641-2252 (Niagara-on-the-Lake / St. Catharines)

Mohawk College Hamilton - Canada

Mohawk College of Applied arts and technology is a community college in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Mohawk also has campuses located in Brantford and Stoney Creek, as well as the Institute for Applied Health Sciences located at McMaster University.

Mohawk first started granting degrees in 1966, and has since grown into one of the largest provincially funded colleges in the province.

Each year averages approximately 10,000 full-time students, and 40,000 part-time students.
The college also has its own campus radio station, CIOI.

Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology offers a full range of post-secondary academic and vocational training programs leading to degrees, diplomas, and certificates, along with personal and professional interest continuing education courses.

The College's areas of expertise are in:

  • Applied Arts
  • Business
  • Co-operative Education
  • Health Sciences
  • Media Studies and Technology
  • Medical Radiation Sciences
  • Nursing
Eighteen apprenticeship programs are also available including the Automotive Service Educational Program which specializes in General Motors vehicles. Mohawk College has five libraries, one being an E-Library.
Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology annually provides over $3 million to approximately 6,000 students through a wide range of financial assistance initiatives.
Our students benefit from scholarships, bursaries, work study opportunities and loans designed to make postsecondary education affordable. Full-time day school students can choose for the following Scholarships and bursaries:
  • Aiming for the Top Scholarship
  • Students with Disabilities Bursary
  • Child Care Bursary
  • Laptop Bursary
  • Tuition Bursary (currently unavailable)
  • Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation Bursary
  • Ontario First Generation Bursary

Contact Address:
222 St. Patrick Street
Hamilton, Ontario
M5T 1V4, Canada
Tel: 416-596-3117 or
Fax: (416) 596-3180

Loyalist College Ontario-canada

Loyalist College officially opened its doors in 1967 in a local high school and by 1968 had a permanent home along Wallbridge-Loyalist Road. The college has over 50 academic programs in the daytime, 40 certificate programs through continuing education and over 75 university transfer agreements.

  • Full-time programs (include):
    1. School of Applied Science and Computing
    2. School of Business & Applied Arts
    3. Centre for Justice Studies
    4. School of Health Sciences
    5. School of Media Studies
    6. School of Corporate Training, Continuing Education, & Skill
The college has a total of five residences situated on campus in a wooded country setting, just minutes from downtown Belleville. The suite-style residences have accommodations for 476 students.

The Library is Loyalist College's gateway to a world of information. Staff and students have unlimited access to a wealth of information found in resources ranging from traditional print and video to specialized online encyclopedias, journal databases, and the Internet.

Scholarships, awards, bursaries, loans and part-time jobs on campus for entering, returning, graduating and post-graduating students help the students to arrange for the funds needed.

Contact Address:
Wallbridge-Loyalist Road,
P.O. Box 4200
Belleville ON
K8N 5B9
Phone: (613) 969-1913
Fax: (613) 962-1376
Toll Free: 1-888-569-2547

Lambton College-canada

Lambton College is one of the twenty-five Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology established in 1967. It is a public college with 2,500 full-time and 5,000 part-time students.
The college with its motto ‘The Bridge to your future' offers a wide range of courses for the students' benefit:

  • Apprenticeship & Trades
  • Business
  • Computers
  • Degree Programs
  • Health Sciences
  • Liberal Studies
  • Post-Graduate Programs
  • Recreation and Hospitality Programs
  • Social Services
  • Technology
The college provides financial aid to the students through:
  • Canadian Millennium Excellence Awards Program (Upper Year Students)
  • Entrance Scholarships
  • Garfield Weston Merit Scholarship (Upper Year Students)
  • Lambton College Bursary
  • Ontario First Generations Bursary
The college arranges for homestay which offers international students a chance to experience life with Canadian families, to improve their English skills and to adapt to Canadian culture from within a supportive family environment.
The Library Resource Center provides online catalogue and videos for the students.

Contact Address:
1457 London Road,
Sarnia, ON N7S 6K4
General Program Inquiries
Fax: (519) 542 6667
Phone: (519) 542-7751

La Cite Collegiale-canada

Renowned as a premier applied arts and technology College located in Ottawa in Ontario in Canada the medium of instruction for the college is French. It is an off shoot of Algonquin College and has satellite campuses in Hawkesbury, and in Cornwall.

  • The La Cite Corporate Training Centre has a wide student connection centre which provides training in computer basics, emails, e-commerce etc.
  • The college is known for its courses to subjects like administration, media and community, health, technology, hospitality and tourism. Some of the programs offered are:

  • Television and Radio Broadcasting
  • Graphic Design
  • Photography
  • 3D Animation
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Biotechnology
  • Electronics Engineering Management
  • Dental Hygiene
  • Journalism etc
The students are give adequate financial support from the college and financial assistance is given in the form of bursaries awards, scholarships etc. Some of the important bursary and scholarships are:
  • Dr. John David Burton Award
  • Pierre Fournier Bursary etc
The fee structure for the local and the international students are different and they are subject to changes in different semesters.

The college has a huge library and media centre to provide with practical based training which will help the students in future.

La Cite Collegiale
801 Promenade del' Aviation
Ottawa Ontario, K1K 4R3
Phone: 613-742-2483
Toll free number: 1-800—267-2483

Humber College-canada

To provide career focused learning opportunities the college offers more than 350 programs including post graduates, diploma, apprenticeships and certificate programs. It also provides polytechnic education to the students and the employers who appoint students from this college show a high satisfaction level.

  • The College has two libraries one is at North campus and the other is at Lakeshore campus and the library provides adequate materials for research and other academic purposes.
  • The College offers two types of bursaries to the students –Tuition bursaries which amounts to $500,000 for post secondary programs
  • $750.00--$1,000.00 bursaries to the post graduate students. The college also provides the financial need bursaries for the students. The scholarships that are give to the students are academic, entrance and international student entrance scholarships etc
  • The college is known for its counseling centres, athletic events and different clubs and organization on the campus for recreation.

Amongst the different diploma, certificate, bachelors degree apprenticeship programs some of the important courses that are offered are:
  • B.A.—Contemporary Music
  • Creative Advertising
  • e-business
  • Interior Design
  • Para-legal Studies

For the post graduate programs some of courses are:

  • Applied Technology
  • Arts and Performance
  • Business and Management
  • Community and Emergency Studies
  • Information Technology
  • Liberal Arts and Science
  • Media Studies

Humber College, North campus
205 Humber College Blvd,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M9W 5L7
Humber College, lakeshore campus
3199 Lake Shore Blvd w
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M87 1KB
Phone: 416.675.5000

Georgian College-canada

Established in 1968, the Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology is renowned as an innovative post secondary institute which offers broad range of academic and career-oriented programs including certificates, bachelors, diplomas, post graduate and transfer programs. the primary campus is in Barrie, Ontario with satellite campuses in Orillia and Owen Sound. The college has 5 Bachelor degree opportunities including 3 applied degrees in Automotive Management and Police Studies and Social Work.

  • The College maintains bachelor degree options in Arts in association with the Laurentian University and degree in Nursing with the York University.
  • The College in association with the Laurentian University operates the Canadian Institute for International Studies in Chandigarh.
  • Some of the important programs that are offered are:
    1. Aboriginal Studies
    2. Business
    3. Computer Studies
    4. Design and Visual Arts
    5. Engineering and Technology
    6. Health Studies
    7. Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship
    8. Professional Golf Management
    9. Mechanical Technician
    In 2004 the college has ranked first in province in employer satisfaction with 96% employers who hired graduates from the college.
  • A recent addition to the campus is the Student and Athletic Centre with a tournament sized gym and a fitness centre.
  • There are 525 bed residences in the campus and homestay facilities with the local Canadian families.
  • Scholarships, awards and bursaries are warded to the students based on their academic performances.

Georgian College
1, Georgian Drive
Barrie, Ontario L4M 3XN, Canada
Telephone: 705-728-1968

George Brown College-canada

Established in 1967, this college of Applied Arts and Technology gets its name from one of the Fathers of Confederation, George Brown. The College is famous for both the courses in nursing and culinary art and over the years it has produced excellent chefs.

The College offers 112 diploma courses, 7 degree programs mostly in conjunction with Ryerson University and 29 certificate programs and 1000 continuing education programs.

The Casa Loma campus has courses in dentistry and the St. James campus has faculty of hospitality and tourism.

Some of the important full time programs are:

  • Building Technology
  • Community Services
  • Creative Arts
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Engineering and Technology
  • Creative Arts
  • Designs
  • Fashion and Jewellery

Some of the famous post graduate programs are:

  • Community Services
  • Health Services
  • Nursing

The college offers scholarships, bursaries and awards and some of the renowned scholarships are:

  • Canadian Pacific Railway Scholarship for Women in the Railway Conductor Program
  • Canadian National Scholarships for Women

85% of the students receive financial assistance and endowments of $5,000 and more for research oriented programs and other academic courses

The college offers accommodation both on campus and off campus, however the cost varies.


George Brown College
PO Box 1015, Station B
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5T 2T9
Phone: 416-415-2000
Toll free: 1-800-265-2002

Fleming College Ontario

Established in 1967, the Fleming College in Ontario is a public college of Applied Arts and Technology in Peterborough in Ontario and there are three more campuses in Lindsay, Cobourg and Halliburton. The college proudly presents more than 90 post-secondary programs, post graduate programs, a wide range of certificate and part time courses.
The college is unique in its own way because it offers careers in various subjects like the

  • Arts and Heritage—the university has courses in ceramics, artist blacksmith, jewellery essentials, photo arts, sculpture, textile surface and design, visual arts fundamentals
  • Business, Hospitality and Tourism—the program has many interesting courses to offer and some of them are Human Resource Management, Culinary Management, Event Management, and Global Supply Management
  • Law and Justice: Biotechnology—forensics, Community, Justice and Services.

The post graduate courses that are offered are Expressive Arts, Event Management, Geographic Information Systems and Advertising.

The Fleming Training Services offers an extensive range of part-time courses and training programs. Some of the important certificate programs are as follows:
Construction Skills Certificate Emergency Management General Arts and Science Health Information Management Pre-service Firefighters
  • The Fleming Library and the audio-visual services make the students equipped with all the necessary books, journals and databases.
  • The Sutherlance Residence and the Frost Residence on campus and the off campus accommodations in Norwood, Cobourg and Halliburton are prepared for the students both local and international.
  • The Ontario Student assistance Program (OSAP), student loans, entrance bursaries, academic excellence scholarships, Fleming College foundation scholarships are given to the students both for academic excellence and other benefits.

Fleming College
599 Brealey Drive
Peterborough, Ontario K9J 7B1
Telephone: (705)-749-5530
Toll free: (866) 353-6464

Fanshawe College Ontario-canada

Fanshawe College is one of the largest college in Ontario with a community focus and campuses located in London, Simcoe, St. Thomas and Woodstock. The smaller centers are in Tilsonburg and Strathroy.

The college with its huge number of students offers various programs catering to the needs of the students. It provides full-time day programs, part-time programs and continuing studies programs with degrees, certificates and diplomas in:

  • Arts & Leisure
  • Business & Management
  • Health & Wellness
  • Human Services
  • Information Technology

  • Trades & Technology
  • Transportation
  • Training services
  • Distance Education

The college recognizes and supports student success through 90 endowed and more than 80 annual awards, scholarships and bursaries.
Fanshawe has 2 residence linked directly to the heart of the campus through a covered walkway and a controlled entrance housing about 800 students.
The college has 3 libraries located in St. Thomas, Simcoe and Woodstock campuses. The library hours and policies may vary according to the discretion of the college.

Contact Address
1460 Oxford Street east
P.O. Box 7005
London, Ontario
Canada, N5Y 5R6
Telephone: 519 452-4430
Fax: 510 452-4420

Centennial College Ontario-canada

Centennial College is Ontario's first community college, established in 1966, primarily serving the eastern portion of the Greater Toronto Area through four campuses and six satellite locations.

The college offers a variety of programs for the benefit of the students:

  • Bachelor of Applied Information Sciences
  • Software Systems
  • Computer and Communication Networking
  • Collaborative Degree
  • Bachelor of sciences in nursing
  • Joint Program with the University of Toronto at Scarborough
  • Environmental Science and technology
  • Journalism
  • Paramedicine
  • New Media
  • Industrial Microbiology]

In partnership with OSAP the college have work study programs, where the students can work on campus to supplement their resources. Centennial has made available bachelor's degree entrance bursaries (non-repayable funding) in the amount of $1000.00 for those who qualify. The students may be entitled to Child Care Bursaries or Bursaries for Students with Disabilities, depending upon their situation. The Centennial College Students Residence houses approximately 380 students on-campus. The Centennial College Student Association manages the off-campus housing service. The library with its huge collection of books is beneficial for the students.

General Enquiries:

Mailing Address:
Centennial College,
P.O. Box 631,
Station A,
Toronto (Scarborough),
Canada M1K 5E9


Toll free in Ontario


Algonquin College Ontario Canada

Algonquin College has 3 campuses located in Ontario, Canada. The Campuses are at-Woodroffe, Pembroke and at Perth.

The college offers degree, certificate and diploma programs in the following school of studies:

Ottawa- Ontario

  • School of Advanced Studies
  • School of Business
  • School of Health and Community Studies
  • School of Hospitality and Tourism
  • School of Media and design
  • Algonquin college Language Institute
  • Police and Public safety Institute
  • School of Transportation and Building Trades
  • Career and Academic Access Centre
  • School of Part- time studies
Pembroke- Ontario
  • Algonquin College in the Ottawa valley Perth- Ontario
  • Algonquin College Heritage Institute

The Woodroffe campus has 3 residence facilities accommodating 1,050 students. The college has a directory listing of the apartments for renting for those who would like to live off-campus. Algonquin College provides scholarships and awards for the enrolled students. Bursaries are cash gifts awarded to financially needy students who meet defined criteria. There are more than 140 available bursaries. The college provides the necessary residence and library facilities for the students. The students can even look for the books online and avail them at their convenience.


Address: (main campus)
Woodroffe Campus
1385 Woodroffe Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K2G 1V8

Phone number: (613) 727-4723

Phone Number: (Pembroke Campus) (613) 735-4700

Fax Number: (613) 735-8800

Phone (Perth Campus)
(613) 267 - 2859
(613) 267 – 3950


Glendon College -canada

Glendon College in Bayview was officially established in 1966 and offers the unique opportunity to study both in French and English. It offers both graduate, postgraduate and certificate programs.

  • The campus has research facilities for its students and two of the most famous research institutes are:
  • Centre for Research on Language Contact
  • Centre for Public and International Affairs
  • The Leslie Frost Library offers books, journals, e-journals in English, French and Spanish. The language section has a huge collection of over 30,000 items including a vast collection of Internet materials.
  • The campus has its own student-run magazine called the Pro Tem—it is a bilingual newspaper which offers discussion, debate on different topics.
  • The Glendon College Student's Union (GCSU),
  • International Studies Student's Association (ISSA),
  • Alpine Ski Club,
    United Nations Club are the platforms for the students to discuss different matters.
    Some of the important scholarships that are awarded to the students are as follows:
    • The Global Leader of Tomorrow Award--$10,500 renewable for 4 years
    • Dean's Scholarship--$5,000 in the first year
    • Merit Entrance Scholarship and Assistantships--$4,000based on the academic performances
    The fee structure for the local students and the international students are different. The international students are required to pay the amount of $2153 per term.
    The campus provides on campus accommodation for the students. The Glendon's Hillard and Wood Residence is the home to all the students.

    Some of the important programs that are offered are:
    • Business Economics
    • Canadian Studies
    • English, English as second Language
    • French Studies
    • Hispanic Studies
    • Multidisciplinary Studies
    • Translation
    • women's Studies etc

    The college offers 20 graduate degree and 8 certificate programs. Some of the important certificate programs are as follows:
    Law and Social Thought
    Public Administration and Public Policy
    Refugee and Migration Studies
    Sexuality Studies etc Recently the college has started the M.A. in Public and International Affairs.

    Glendon Campus
    York University,
    2275 Bayview Avenue
    Toronto, Ontario Canada M4N 3M6
  • York University -canada

    Known as Canada's third largest university York University in Toronto in Canada was founded in 1959 and can proudly present full and part time graduate and undergraduate programs in more than 10 faculties. It is a well-known public university.
    The campus has many libraries and some of them are:

    • Clara Thompson Archives and Special Collections
    • Leslie Frost Library—it is known as the bi-lingual library
    • Peter B Bronfman Business Library
    • Scott Library The library can boast of more than 2.4 million books, 11,000full text electronic journals, 250 internet workstations and electronic databases which help the students for their research.
    • The university is proud to have diverse co-curricular activities and the different clubs, centres help the students maintain their own ethnic culture with a mixture of the local Canadian culture.
    Some of the most important clubs are:
  • Graduate Student's Association
  • Graduate Business Council
  • Environmental Studies Student's Association
  • Graduate Lounge
  • Art Gallery of York University There are 240 student clubs on the campus.
    The campus offers both on campus and off campus accommodations to the students. The on campus housing is commonly known as the Glendon campus Residence and is known for its apartment style housing facilities. However the off campus housing facilities are provided by the Student Community and Leadership Development Housing Union.
    • Scholarships are given to the students and one of the most important scholarships that is being introduced is the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute Scholarship in Rehabilitation Related Research for Graduate students with disabilities and the amount provided is $20,000.
    Some of the other important scholarships are:
    • York University Entrance Scholarship
    • President's Scholarship
    • Fine Arts Talent Awrds
    • Quebec Entrance Scholarship
    • Science and Engineering Scholarship
    The university has both undergraduate and graduate programs and some of the renowned faculties are as follows:
    • Faculty of Education
    • Osgoode Hall Law School
    • Schulich School of Business
    • Faculty of Graduate Studies
    Faculty of Engineering Studies Some of the subjects that are offered are: Art and Fine Arts, Business/HR, Education, Environmental Studies, Humanities, Health and Kinesiology, Nursing, Philosophy, Science and Technology, Sociology and Political Science, Linguistics.

    Some of the subjects that offer research programs are:
    Kinesiology and Health Sciences (M.A. / PhD)
    Computer Science (Msc, PhD)
    Chemistry(Msc, PhD)

    York University
    99 Ian MacDonald Blvd
    York University
    4700 Keele Street
    Toronto, Ontario
    CANADA M3J 1P3
    Tel: 416-736-5000
    Fax: 416-736-5536
  • Waterloo Lutheran Seminary-canada

    The university is located at the corner of Albert and Bricker Streets, Wilfrid Laurier University campus. The seminary has the Luther Hostel and the accommodations are available on Wilfrid Laurier campus at Bricker Street. The residences are in apartment style and they are comfortable and modern The students in the seminary join not only in worship but many other communal experiences. The Crossman-Hayunga Missionary Society organization is mainly concerned with the promotion of missionary concerns among the people of society.

    Some of the important courses that are taught are

    • Pastoral Counseling
      • Diploma in Spirituality
      • Master of Theological Studies
      • MTh in Pastoral Counseling
      • Doctoral of Ministry
    • Theological Education:
      • Master of Theology
      • Master of Divinity
      • Master of Theological studies
      • Diploma in Theological Studies
    • Continuing Education
    • Certificate in Theological studies
    The Preaching Stewardship Workshop is organized regularly for the students to discus matters related to Christianity and other academic problems.

    Address: Waterloo Lutheran Seminary
    75, University Avenue, West
    Waterloo, Ontario N2L 0710

    Wilfrid Laurier University-canada

    The Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario in Canada was established in 1911 and offers various programs like the general and honors B.A. Courses, the MBA Program. The Laurier also offers joint graduate programs with Universities of Guelph, Mc Master and Waterloo. It has 21 research centres and chairs. The university has academic clubs, accessible learning offices, art galleries, athletic physical therapy centres, counseling services, peer help lines, international student advising programs. Both on campus and off campus accommodation are provided to the students. The on campus housing has 2,495 students who can reside in 17 buildings. The buildings have both dormitory style complexes and co-ed apartment style complexes and 2,286 spaces are provided to the first year students.

    There are various scholarships:

    • Entrance Scholarships ranging $750-$ 2,000
    • Graduate Scholarships—ranging from $ 1,000-$ 5,000 The university also offers guaranteed incentive scholarships
    Some of the important research centres are:
    1. The Academic Council on the United Nations System
    2. Laurier Centre for Global relations, Governance and Policy
    3. Laurier Centre for Military Strategic Disarmament Studies
    4. Laurier Institute for the Study of Public Opinion and policy

    The faculties are as follows:
    • Humanities
    • Social Sciences
    • Music Therapy
    • Business and Economics
    • Environmental Studies
    • Computer Studies and Engineering
    75 University Avenue
    Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3C5
    Telephone: 519-1970

    Assumption University-canada

    The Assumption University in Ontario in Canada was established in 1963. It is known as the parent body of the University of Windsor and has entered into federation with the newly formed University of Windsor. It is a privately operated university.

    The university has accreditation with the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities.

    • The degrees offered by the university are undergraduate and post graduate degrees.
    • The University is known for its Department of Theology.

    Some of the very famous courses that are offered are:
    • Certificate in Pastoral ministry
    • Certificate in Pastoral Ministry to the Elderly
    • Canadian Certificate in Youth Ministry Studies
    • Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry
    • Master of Arts in Religious Education
    Apart from the Department of Theology, the campus also has
    • Centre for Religion and Conflict
    • Centre for Law and Business and Ethics The Assumption University also has Assumption University Alumni Committee which is helpful to the prospective students.
    • The campus also has a library which is helpful to the students also.
    • The Christian Culture Award Gold Medal is given to the person who shows exemplary performance in Christian ideals. The Assumption University is currently celebrating its 150th anniversary which announces the rich heritage it carries.

    Administration Office: 400, Huron Church Road
    University of Windsor campus
    Phone: 519-973-7033

    Address for mails: 2629 Riverside Drive, Windsor
    Windsor Ontario N9B 1134

    University of Windsor-canada

    The University of Windsor in Ontario in Canada on the western end of Lake St. Clair on the Detroit River was established in 1857.

    • The on campus housing facilities are meant for 1,500 students and the off campus housing is available. However the cost may change in different circumstances.
    • The student assistance program is meant especially for the students and scholarships for undergraduate students are available and an amount of almost $300 is provided as Entrance Scholarships.
    • Awards ranging from $ 500-$20,000 and hundreds of in course awards are given to the students ranging from $ 100-$ 5,000
    • Graduate Scholarships are provided to the students and the amount of money that is spent is $1,000-$5,000 per year.
    • Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada post-graduate Scholarship
    • Ontario Graduate Scholarship
    • Graduate Teaching Assistantship
    • Research Assistantship
    • University of Windsor Tuition Scholarship
    The Leddy Library along with the Paul Martin Law Library has more than 185,000 volumes of books, journals and archives to help the students.

    The students can take part in different extra curricular activities and some of them are as follows:
    • Experiences Challenging Emerging Leaders (EXCEL) Programs
    • Students Orienting Students (SOS)
    • 120 clubs, 16 societies and 7 Greek organizations provide the students with the necessary recreation.
    The faculties are as follows:
    1. Business Administration
    2. Computer Science
    3. Environmental Studies. Earth Sciences
    4. Dramatic Art
    5. Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering etc
    Some of the important research centres are:
    1. Canadian-American Research centre
    2. Humanities Research Group
    3. Operational Research Group
    4. Research Centre for Integrated Microsystems etc

    University of Windsor
    401 Sunset Avenue, Winsor, Ontario, N9B 3P4
    Phone: 519-252-3000

    King's University College Ontario-canada

    The king's University College in Ontario in Canada is located in Edmonton and is a member of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities(CCCU) AND Association of Universities and Colleges in Canada(AUCC) and is accredited under Post Secondary Learning Act of Alberta

    • The college offers degrees in 3 and 4 year Bachelor Programs
    • 2 year of Bachelor of Education
    • 300 courses, 20 disciplines with 12 major concentration areas
    • Student assistance takes the form of scholarships, bursaries, and awards in more than $300,000 administered by University College.
      The scholarships are as follows:
      1. King's Scholarship—Academic Scholarship--$ 2,000
      2. Computer Science Scholarship
      3. Chemical Excellence Scholarship-- $1500
      4. Education Admission Scholarship--$1,000
    • Simona Maaskant Library with more than 100,000 books, periodicals, CD ROMS, and databases help the students immensely.
    There are two residences on the campus, they are called the Tower which accommodates 164 students and the Apartment which houses 170 students. The off campus accommodations cost around $400-$700 per month, however the cost may vary and the accommodations are always subject to change.
    • The important departments are as follows:
      1. Humanities Division—Art, Drama, English, History, Music, Philosophy, Theology
      2. Natural Science Department—Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science etc
      3. Sociological Science Department—Commerce, Business, Economics, Education, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology etc
    It also provides cross-divisional programs which exist in Environmental Studies, Communications, Arts and Politics, History and Economics

    Brescia University College
    1285 Western Road, London, Ontario
    Canada N6G 1H2
    Telephone: 519-432-8353

    Huron College Ontario-canada

    The Huron College in Ontario in Canada is one of the premier liberal arts university in partnership with the University of Ontario.

    • Huron University College Library has more than 165,000 volumes of books and periodical, information database with 20 workstations.
    • The campus has Huron University College Student's Council, 14 clubs, different organizations like the Literature Society and Philosophy forum, Underground Drama Society, Career Counseling Centre, conference services for the students.
    • The university arranges 18 International Exchange Programs for students with different countries in association with the Herstmonceaux Castle—the International Study Centre in Sussex, the United Plant—a platform for cross cultural meetings.
    Some of the scholarships that area available to the students:
    • Huron's National Scholarships—14 scholarships range from $10,000-$20,000
    • Automatic Entrance Scholarships
    • Principal's Scholarships--$500
    • International Scholarships--$1,500-$ 3,000
    • Huron Entrance Bursaries--$ 250-$ 3,000 etc
    • The University has two important faculties: Faculty of Arts—Economics, English, Finance, Global Studies, Management and Organizational Studies, Media Information and Tecnoculture
      The courses that area offered are:
      1. Studies in Community Based Learning
      2. Finite Maths
      3. Modernity, postmodernity and Religion
      4. Major Forms of Social Discourse
    • Faculty of Theology:
      • Bachelor of Theology
      • Majors in Biblical Studies
      • Minors in Biblical Studies
      • M.A. in Divinity
      • M.A. in Arts (Theology)

    Huron University College, The University of Western Ontario
    1349 Western Road, London Ontario

    Canada N6G 1H3
    Telephone: 519—438 7224

    Brescia University College-canada

    Situated near the famous University of western Ontario, this women's university level college is affiliated with University of Ontario and was established in 1919. It was established by the Ursuline Sisters of Chatham.

    • The fee-structure varies for the local and the international students and scholarships, awards and bursaries are given to the students for financial assistance. The OSAP Repayment Session is used frequently by the students. Some of the important scholarships are as follows:
      • Millennium Excellence In-course National Award
      • Dean's Honor List
      • Continuing Scholarship
      • Brescia Faculty Awards for Academic Excellence
      • Eleanor Donelly Faculty Award
      • The Martha Molina Steers Bursary]\
    • The Beryl Ivey Library contains all the facilities for academic help like the audio-visual services, research materials and databases.
  • The on campus residence can accommodate 167 students and the off campus housing can be availed through the off campus council.
  • The Circle Women's Centre, McCann Student Services Centre are the councils where the students can meet and discuss academic problems
  • Some of the important departments are:
    • Department of English
    • Department of Human Ecology
    • Department of Modern Languages
    • Department of Social Sciences--- History, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology (Honors, Specialization, Major in Community Development, minor in criminology)
    The degrees that are offered are:
    • Bachelor of Arts—English, Modern Languages, Religious Studies, Philosophy
    • Bachelor of Management and Organization Studies—specialization in Finance and Administration, Majors in Accounting, Organizational and Human Resources
    • Bachelor of Science—Foods and Nutrition
    Apart from the regular courses the university also offers Certificate in Community development, Certificate in Religious Studies.

    Brescia University College
    1285 Western Road, London, Ontario
    Canada—N6G 1H2
    Telephone: 519-432-8353
  • Wednesday, 8 September 2010

    University of Western Ontario -Canada

    The University of Western Ontario in Canada is one of the most famous co-educational, non-denominational research intensive public university which started in 1878. Research is an integral part of the university and the total amount of money that is spent on research amounts to almost $190 million per year.

    • T he university has 12 faculties, 3 affiliated programs and 200 different degree and diploma programs.
    • There are many libraries on the campus catering to the needs of the students.

      The libraries are as follows:
      1. Archives and Research Collection Centre
      2. Business Library
      3. John and Dotsa Bitove Family Law Library
      4. Education Library
      5. Music Library
      6. Allyn and Betty Taylor Library etc
    • Some of the important scholarships are: President's Entrance Scholarship--$24,000 Faculty Entrance Scholarship National Merit Awrds Continuing Scholarship

      Western Scholarship of Excellence etc The awards, tuition fees and the amount of bursaries are always subject to change.
    • The on campus residence is called the Glenmore Apartments and the off campus housing can be arranged taking into consideration the applications.
    • The campus has athletics program, TD Waterhouse Stadium, the Thompson Recreation and Athletic Centre and a multi=purpose auditorium for different games.

    Some of the important schools or faculties are:
    • Arts and Humanities, Education
    • Engineering, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry
    • Information and Media Studies, Western Law
    • Don Wright Faculty of Music, Social Studies
    • Richard Ivey School of Business
    The university has 3 affiliated programs
    • Brescia University College
    • Huron University College
    • King's University College
    Some of the important graduate programs are:
  • Anatomy & Cell Biology—PhD, Msc
  • Art History-M.A
  • Applied Mathematics-PhD, Msc
  • Biochemistry-PhD, Msc
  • Counseling Psychology
  • Journalism—M.A
  • Kinesiology—PhD, M.A,
  • Hispanic Studies—M.A, PhD
  • Epidemiology and Biostatistics etc

    Rm 190 Stevenson—Lawson BLDG
    University of Western Ontario,
    London, Ontario N6A 5B8
    Phone: (519)-661-2100
  • Sunday, 5 September 2010

    St. Paul's United College Ontario-Canada

    St. Paul's United College in Ontario was established in 1962 and is affiliated with the University of Waterloo and proudly presents 190 graduates.

    The degrees university, are offered in undergraduate and graduate courses.

    • There are two residences on the campus
      1. Environmental Studies Living Learning Community
      2. La Bastille which is commonly known as French floor
      . The fees for the double room residence with meals are almost $8,500 and for the single room is $600. However the fee structure may vary.
    • The events that are organized inside the campus provide the students respite from their educational curricular. The St. Paul's activity council, the Black Forest Coffee House, Halloween party, intra-mural sports team encourages the students to engage themselves in different activities.
    • Some of the scholarships that are available are:
    • Residence Awards—financial awards for $800
    • St. Paul's Residence Bursary for Aboriginal students--$ 5000 for first year students and the scholarship is renewable
    • St. Paul's Residence Bursary for Community service-$1500 for first year students
    • St. Paul's Residence Bursary for International students—3 awards $ 1500
    Apart from these scholarships the services like the aboriginal services, conference services, advice and assistance in vocational and scholarship exploration for aboriginal students can be obtained.

    Some of the important courses that offered:
    • Spirituality and Personal Development (SPD)—sponsored by St. Paul's, in co-operation with 4 departments like Philosophy, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology and mainly it delivers counseling-related professions.

      The courses that are offered under SPD are:
      • Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
      • Personality and Religion
      • Spirituality and Psychotherapy
      • Carl Jung's Theory of Religion
    • Religious Studies Courses are also offered in distance education.

    St. Paul's United College
    University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2I 3G5
    Phone: 519-885-1460
    Girls Generation - Korean