Wednesday, 8 September 2010

University of Western Ontario -Canada

The University of Western Ontario in Canada is one of the most famous co-educational, non-denominational research intensive public university which started in 1878. Research is an integral part of the university and the total amount of money that is spent on research amounts to almost $190 million per year.

  • T he university has 12 faculties, 3 affiliated programs and 200 different degree and diploma programs.
  • There are many libraries on the campus catering to the needs of the students.

    The libraries are as follows:
    1. Archives and Research Collection Centre
    2. Business Library
    3. John and Dotsa Bitove Family Law Library
    4. Education Library
    5. Music Library
    6. Allyn and Betty Taylor Library etc
  • Some of the important scholarships are: President's Entrance Scholarship--$24,000 Faculty Entrance Scholarship National Merit Awrds Continuing Scholarship

    Western Scholarship of Excellence etc The awards, tuition fees and the amount of bursaries are always subject to change.
  • The on campus residence is called the Glenmore Apartments and the off campus housing can be arranged taking into consideration the applications.
  • The campus has athletics program, TD Waterhouse Stadium, the Thompson Recreation and Athletic Centre and a multi=purpose auditorium for different games.

Some of the important schools or faculties are:
  • Arts and Humanities, Education
  • Engineering, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry
  • Information and Media Studies, Western Law
  • Don Wright Faculty of Music, Social Studies
  • Richard Ivey School of Business
The university has 3 affiliated programs
  • Brescia University College
  • Huron University College
  • King's University College
Some of the important graduate programs are:
  • Anatomy & Cell Biology—PhD, Msc
  • Art History-M.A
  • Applied Mathematics-PhD, Msc
  • Biochemistry-PhD, Msc
  • Counseling Psychology
  • Journalism—M.A
  • Kinesiology—PhD, M.A,
  • Hispanic Studies—M.A, PhD
  • Epidemiology and Biostatistics etc

    Rm 190 Stevenson—Lawson BLDG
    University of Western Ontario,
    London, Ontario N6A 5B8
    Phone: (519)-661-2100
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