Sunday, 5 September 2010

College Dominicain Ontario-Canada

Established in 1909 College Dominicain is one of the most famous Roman Catholic private, independent religious institutes in Canada. The college offers degrees like the certificate, bachelors, masters and the doctoral. The College Dominicain library takes pride in presenting some of the most precious books in philosophy and theology. The main subjects that are taught are Theology and Philosophy.

The college is known for the different bursaries, scholarships, and awards that are given to the students. Some of the important scholarships that are bequeathed to the students are:

  • Regent's Scholarship-8 scholarships of $1,000 each to the students
  • Elisabeth Bryere Bursaries
  • Jean-Baptiste de la Salle bursary
  • Esther Blondin bursary
The fees for the international students are almost $9,500, however they are subject to change. The cost for rooms and boarding is $ 675 per month, but they vary.

Some of the important courses that are offered are:
  • School of Philosophy
    1. Baccalaureate in Philosophy
    2. Analytic Philosophy
    3. Ancient and Modern Dialectic
    4. Ancient Greek Philosophy
    5. Contemporary Continental Philosophy
    6. Descartes
    7. Empiricism in 17th and 18th Century
    8. Epistemology
    9. Hegel and Hermeneutics
    10. Existential Philosophy
  • School of Theology
    1. Biblical books during and after the Exile
    2. Theological Anthropology
    3. Literature and Philosophy
The cost for the courses may vary and they can range from $ 1520-$1590 and for the international students the cost is $ 4000.

Address: College Dominicain
96, Avenue Empress
Ottawa ON K1R 7G3
Ph: (613) 233-5696

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