Thursday, 2 September 2010

Douglas College - Canada

Douglas College is a major community college with two campuses in Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. A friendly college, Douglas College sports a team of excellent, award winning and approachable instructors serving over 14,000 credit students each year, offering four-year degrees, University Transfer programs and one- and two-year career programs to local, national and international students. The College provides short-duration non-credit courses to over 9,500 learners annually. The college apart from usual courses has 10 unique programs:

  • Autism Speciality
  • Co-occurring Disorders
  • Dispensing OpticianHealth Information Services
  • Physical Education instruction (for teachers)
  • Print Futures: Professional writing
  • Sign Language Interpreter
  • Stage Craft
  • Therapeutic Recreation
  • Youth Program

The college has good residential and library facilities for the students. Scholarships are primarily based on academic performance. Bursaries are primarily based on financial need. Individual scholarships and bursaries may carry specific requirements (eg for General Nursing students or for New Westminster residents, etc), but many awards are open.

Awards are also available (in limited numbers) to returning students who have achieved a minimum 3.0 Grade Point Average and have a demonstrated financial need. Awards, bursaries and scholarships are all created through donated monies from community supporters and are administered through the Douglas College Foundation.

For more information contact:

Address: Douglas College
PO Box 2503
New Westminster, BC
V3L 5B2

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