Sunday, 29 August 2010

Canterbury Christchurch University - England

The Canterbury Christchurch University was established in the year 1962. The motto of this university is "the truth shall make you free". It has three campuses at Canterbury, Broadstairs and Chatham.

The teaching and research work of the university is divided into five main faculties namely, Arts and Humanities, Business and Sciences, Education, Health and Social Care and Salmons. The courses are divided under a few headings like Boradstairs courses, Chatham courses, Salmons courses, Teaching Courses, Nursing Courses, apart from these new courses are introduced every year.

There are five libraries available for the students at Canterbury, Broadstairs, Salmons [mansion], Salmons [Hayloft] and St Augustine's [Canterbury]. There are also e-library gateways and bookshops. Part time job facilities are also provided by the university. The university is concerned and sees to it that every student gets a proper accommodation. There is a fully catered residential complex in Canterbury. The special needs of the disabled students are also catered to.

Address :
Canterbury Christ Church University
Broadstairs Campus
Northwood Road
Kent CT10 2WA
United Kingdom

Website :

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