Sunday, 29 August 2010

External Programme University of London - England

The External System in the University of London Programmes,is a degree granting portion of the University of London and has been available to the students since 1858.A high degree of flexibility is allowed for the students enrolled in these programmes.
The University of London,one of the leading academic institutions is a federation of 20 world class colleges and a number of well acclaimed institutes.The institute has large number of students enrolled from various parts of the world studying for 100 different programmes.Quality maintenance is the keyword for all the programmes of the University.The best part about this External programme is that the external students get the same international recognition that the regular students who attend the university get.External program course are offered at both undergraduate and post graduate levels in various fields of study.Various degree and diploma courses are offered in subjects from the Arts ,Science and Commerce faculty.Online library facilities are available for the external students of the university.In many parts of the world specially in Asia there are tutorials which assist the students with their studies.

Address of the University ( external programme ):
The Information Centre,
The University of London External Programme
(06/CEEBD), Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7862 8360; Fax: +44 (0) 20 7862 8358
Website :

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