Monday, 30 August 2010

Royal Holloway - England

The Royal Holloway College was founded by Thomas Halloway with the purpose of imparting higher education to the women. In 1985 it merged with Bedford College. At the turn of 18th century, it became a part of the University of London and became a co-educatonal institution from 1960's onwards. Located between the village of Eaglefield Green and the town of Engham, today it is recognized worldwide for the high quality of knowledge it provides in the field of humanities, arts and science.

Faculty of arts includes departments like Classics, Drama and Theatre, European Studies, Media arts, Modern languages and Music.

Faculty of Science comprises of Biological Science, chemical Science, Geology, Geography, Mathematics, Psychology, Physics, Chemical and Bioanalytical Science, Science communication departments.

The Royal Holloway College has earned the reputation of being an Original research centre. Research activities can be conducted in areas like Biological sciences, Computer sciences, Drama and Theatre, English, history, Geography, Geology, Health and social care, Information Security, Mathematics, Politics and International Relations, Psychology, Physics, Music and many more.

For the purpose of accommodation, the 135 acre beautiful campus has residential halls where the students are provided with proper home like atmosphere and quality foods in discounted rate.

The three Libraries of the University, Bedford Library, Founders Library, Music Departmental library, derived their collection from the two colleges, which merged together to give birth to the Royal Holloway University. It is enriched with a collection of 500,000 volumes.

The college campus also has restaurants, chapel, club, shop, play fields for the convenience of the students. London Heathrow Airport is just & miles away. So communication is not a problem here.

Contact details :
Royal Holloway,
University of London
Egham Hill
TW20 0EX

Telephone Number
United Kingdom :01784 434455
International :+441784 434455
Fax Number
United Kingdom : 01784 437520
International : +44 1784 437520

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