Sunday, 29 August 2010


The year of establishment of Imperial College London is 1907. It is situated in the capital of England. It is one of the well known scientific academic institutions of U.K. it has made its name in the departments of engineering, technology and bio-medicine. There are three campuses South Kensington Campus, Silwood park campus and Wye campus though the main activity takes place in South Kensington campus. Imperial College London has made a significant name in the field of medicinal research.

The subjects offered in the undergraduate levels are aeronautics, bio-engineering, medicine, chemistry, mathematics etc. In the post-graduate level the subjects offered are earth science and engineering, computing, materials etc. The university also has a Distance Learning program. The two non-faculty departments are Tanaka Business School and the Humanities Program.

The Imperial College London guarantees accommodation for the first year undergraduate students. It has extensive sporting facilities for all the students of all the campuses. The institute has a digital library, central library, department libraries, faculty of medicine library, Wye campus library, the Science Museum Library and the College Archives.

Address :
Imperial College London,
South Kensington Campus,
London SW7 2AZ

Website :

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